Entries by Mark

9 Gentle Yoga Warm-Up Exercises

Are you searching for effective yoga warm up exercises? Without a doubt,  warming up before you start your yoga workout helps prevent potential injuries during your sessions. Prior to warming up your body may be stiff and cold and may not be in an ideal condition for doing yoga poses.  Warm-up exercises increase the amountLearn more →

Healing Yoga Poses for your Body and Mind

Have you ever heard of healing yoga poses? They have many benefits in healing trauma and are extremely restorative. With our day to day life, desk jobs, high heels, mediocre fitness classes, something is about to go wrong one of these days. Part/s of your body will start aching; you’ll experience low energy and turnLearn more →

Top 20 Yoga & Wellness Blogs to Follow (2020)

Are you searching for inspiration yoga blogs follow in 2020? Navigating through the internet can be a tall order for many people. Also, even if you find a blog on the first page of Google, how do you determine if the information written there is accurate, updated, and valuable. Thankfully, you don’t have to searchLearn more →

Thai Yoga Massage – The Ultimate Guide To (2020)

Are you feeling stressed, tense, or lacking energy? A Thai Yoga Massage may be the solution you need to regain your health condition and vitality. Often referred to as Thai yoga massage, the practice started in Thailand over 2500 years ago and is regarded as part of Traditional Thai Medicine. It appears to borrow heavilyLearn more →

Top 11 Tips on Dealing with Loneliness

We all experience loneliness at some point in our lives — maybe you just moved to a new neighbourhood, you’re under quarantine, or you’re breaking up with your lover. People of all ages can get lonely, not just the elderly. In fact, according to the Signa loneliness’ survey, people between 18 and 22 are lonelierLearn more →

12 Reasons for A Digital Detox (MUST READ)

How many hours do you spend  away from the technological screen? You probably spend most of your time on screen,right?Technology is running the world today, and it’s hard to stay away from a smartphone or computer. These devices have become part of us that we feel naked when we’re not around them. As much asLearn more →

Best Yoga for Anxiety and Depression (NO MORE STRESS)

Why Yoga is Increasing Becoming the Favorite Remedy for Depression and Anxiety Disorders? If your feeling stressed make sure you read on.  Anxiety affects millions of people worldwide. In the US, over 40 million adults suffer from anxiety disorders; this translates to roughly 18 percent of Americans aged 18 and above.  Not to mention, evenLearn more →